Sunday, April 13, 2008

Origin of the arts of the theater

The early man like means for the interaction, to express its internal and average thoughts to the recording events, arts shortages. The old caves; the monuments and the writings preserved in the museums attest to that fact. Whereas we were developed, it made art so. The art has reached such height that now can be classified in the several categories that more future to have subcategories. The diverse regions and civilizations have diverse forms, that have a deep influence of the culture. The arts can be distinguished vague like one represented expressing it in means like paintings, the sculptures, the architecture, and the arts and another one to have implication of the human body like the action, gestures, dialogs and the song. In ample classifications of this base of the arts that can be done are the visual arts, the cooking arts, the interpretative arts and the art of language.

Greek the classic ones played a main role in the persuasion of the art that was associated to the human form, that comes under category of interpretative arts. Here the human figure is used like means to express art something that the materials like stone, the metal, the clay or the painting. But to support the human form of model of the art, the clay or the known metal more alive whereas the supports are used to heighten the operation that come under category of plastic arts. Some of the interpretative subcategories of arts are theater, dance, music, magic, opera, doing games malabares, film, comedy, the martial acrobatics, arts, and arts that march such as bandage yellow copper. They know therefore the human executants who represent these secondary classes of interpretative arts like agents, dances, musicians, magician, singers, juglares, comedians and acrobats.

The theater of the word also originated of the Greek word “Theatron” that means the “place to consider”. The games were carried out in the special events that had religious importance, so the turned main idea around old Roman Gods with the paper of masculine Gods that was decreed with the musculatura, the elegance and the balance where like feminine Gods being decreed with beauty, tolerance and correct anatomical magnitude. The song also was used as average for the promulgation except delivery of the dialog. Along with the suits the masks were also a part I brought of agentes'. The stage was determined to a realistic context of the landscape.

During Average Ages the arguments of the games were based mainly on Biblical incidences with an influence of the Byzantine and gothic art. The art of the east was influenced mainly by the western medieval art. Much concentration was not paid to the realistic illustration. The suits were also superficial to model, that means that the basic color of the suit was accentuated on which heightening it playing with the light.

Diecinueveavo and twentieth century considered a revolution that was carried out by the discoveries done during that was by Aristotle, Einstein and Newton. The light was used to modulate the color and to bring around a realistic sensation creating an atmosphere to absorb to the hearing in her. Whereas the inventions were done, traveling got to be very easy. This took to the influence of a culture on the other, that also globalized the western taste in theaters anywhere in the world.

Then the time progressed have been diverse changes in the arts of the theater that represented different cultivate and the values morals. The subjects have turned around truths of stories of you foretell, fables, the religion, the folktales, the comedy, the fiction, the tragedy, the romance, the legend, history, the epic, the biography, the adventure and the material. The diverse forms of arts of the theater are MIME, opera, kabuki, ballet, classic Indian dance, Chinese opera, pantomima and máscaras' plays. The arts of the theater are as it forms important of art as any other art and attract all the lovers of the art today towards her.

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